The principles
- Provide continuous feedback – Developers actually believe that a tester finds joy in breaking their code, this may be true but a great tester finds joy in providing positive feedback continuously even if it is in a form of confirmation or question, a Product owner and a Developer should welcome this feedback because in itself is an exercise that enables continuous improvement on time.
- Deliver value to the customer – This is what we call in stand ups “done-done”. This is where the tester has tried again and again to break the solution and has now ticked all their boxes. As described below in the value-add, the ultimate value is when the solution does what its meant to do effectively and efficiently.
- Enable face-to-face communication – We live in a digital world where we do remote testing at times but the concept here is still the same. The tester should not be afraid to express themselves in whatever means available to them.
- Have courage – If the requirement or the implementation is not making sense this is where a tester has to challenge that. They need to also be courageous to participate in the design sessions. The tester knows there job is not just to find bugs but to prevent occurrence of bugs through questioning and help in clarification of requirements.
- Practise continuous improvement – Agile testers always have to wear this hat when testing. It’s not just about ticking the acceptance criteria but also about seeking better ways to improve.
- Keep simple – Often Developers complicate the solution because of how complex the algorithm is to get to the solution. A tester understands this simple fact; the user wants to do this. Testers should always wear customer focused hats in keeping it simple. The constant question is “How would someone with no context of the algorithm do it?”
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: