
The Ten Principles of Agile Testers

The principles of agile testers, must incorporate the values of the Agile manifesto.

The four key values of the Agile manifesto are:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to changes over following a plan

The ten principles of Agile testers not only fall within the scope of the values of the manifesto but they also enhance the values. Before we get into what the principles are and how they should be embraced by the tester, let us first understand who is an Agile tester? What skills and personality traits they need to own? What is their state of mind-set? What value can they add? and How do they fit into the team and the whole development process?

The principles

  • Provide continuous feedback – Developers actually believe that a tester finds joy in breaking their code, this may be true but a great tester finds joy in providing positive feedback continuously even if it is in a form of confirmation or question, a Product owner and a Developer should welcome this feedback because in itself is an exercise that enables continuous improvement on time.
  • Deliver value to the customer – This is what we call in stand ups “done-done”. This is where the tester has tried again and again to break the solution and has now ticked all their boxes. As described below in the value-add, the ultimate value is when the solution does what its meant to do effectively and efficiently.

Recommended Further Reading

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