
How do testers add value?

There constant ability to challenge requirements and the implementation is one of the tester’s traits which ensures the ultimate value. Alongside that trait value realisation can be achieved from a tester who:

  • Ensures open collaboration and communication within the team
  • Help and contribute in design and planning
  • Constantly seek better and effective ways to improve
  • Ensures that the solution passed the acceptance criteria

Each one of the principles described above brings us closer to ensuring and realising value.

Acceptance Criteria in Planning Agile Projects

As a form of project management, Agile shares many similarities with traditional development. One thing common to any type of software development is acceptance criteria. While acceptance criteria are much the same in any development, there are specifics in how they are implemented in Agile.

What are Acceptance Criteria?

Before learning how acceptance criteria are unique in Agile, it helps to know what they are. In short, acceptance criteria are conditions that a feature must meet to be considered “complete.” It is represented as a list of pass/fail statements that the software has to fulfil. This list is written in clear, concise language that customers might use. Therefore, there is little room for disagreement or misunderstanding later.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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