
The Importance of Regression Testing

Delivering potentially releasable increments means that the team should ensure that the sprint didn’t cause snags in already existing features. This is what regression testing essentially is: an activity where the team checks how the current build affects the previous builds and the overall system. Whether it’s a bug fix or a new functionality, the team needs to guarantee that no new defects are introduced.

Regression testing holds a very important role in any agile project. It can also be a very time-consuming activity. Because testing grows geometrically in each sprint, the product owner, the Scrum Master, and the developers need to collaborate around a plan and strategy around quality assurance in their agile project. Some of the items to plan for regression testing are:

  • What test cases to use
  • How to improve the test cases for regression testing
  • What tests can be automated, and how
  • What the timeline is for regression testing

Some teams get away without regression testing by checking only what matters during the sprint. This strategy may work, but if done arbitrarily, it is not sustainable and, worse, it can cause serious technical debt. The quality of the entire product needs to be considered during every sprint. There are some ways a team can go about regression testing, and they can choose what will fit their needs and constraints.

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