Product Backlog
The product backlog is simply an ordered list of epics, feature backlog items or user stories and their descriptions. As the project progresses and accumulates more ideas and feedback from stakeholders, the product backlog will grow and backlog items will be further refine into smaller pieces of work.
The product backlog will also be updated to include bugs found in the project, and should be treated and addressed like other user stories in the backlog.
The testers should ensure that these bugs should have the right amount of detail and expected results for developers to work on, the same way user stories list acceptance criteria. Testers can also help manage the product backlog and help set the priorities of these bugs by identifying the risks and impact involved.
When the team makes time for refining the product backlog, the testers can use this time to provide suggestions on the design and user experience as well as other business cases. Doing so would open conversations that could improve the product or prevent potential bugs.
Release Plan
Before the project deploys new product features and enhancements to their users, they are planned and plotted for in advance. A release plan would contain the goals of the release, the list of planned features or backlog items to be deployed, and the target release dates for the increments.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: